"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart."
Author unknown~
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BLM Land Management is trying to take the land and life away from the wild mustanges!

As a native American Indian here in California I have strong feelings towards the land I love and the animals that habituate it. To destroy the land and the horses that have lived here for years is a outrage! There are preserves for all kinds of animals across the states, there is NO reason for the wild horse not to have one also. They are of my heritages dating back hundreds of years. For BLM land management to even consider such a move is unthinkable to me. Not to vision the wild mustangs running free across the land tears at my heart. I pray that BLM Land Management rethink such a horrible action.

Here is the site that you can go to, write a letter telling BLM what you feel about the wild mustangs and their freedom.
Ellie, it has nothing to do with the wild horses. It's all about the cattle. There are 19 million acres. That's about 600 acres per horse. I hardly think that's an over population. Ah, but add 6 MILLION cattle to that, and you have a problem. The round-ups are done to make room for more privately owned cattle. They would like us to believe the few thousand horses are doing more damage to the land than 6 million cattle.
Our tax dollars are going to the BLM to protect the horses, not extinct them. The herds are down to 16,000-19,000 from over 2 million. Haven't they been culled enough?
Remove the cattle, return the horses to their land and the problem is solved.
I enjoyed your blogspot, and all your comments. Can't wait to see your romance novel published, and I am sure it will be a smash!
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